18 Months!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today our sweet baby girl is 18 months old! I almost can't even believe it! It seems like almost every single day she's doing something more "big girl" like and becomes less and less like a baby. Sometimes this hurts my feelings and sometimes, it makes me beam with pride. I haven't posted anything about what she's doing in two months and while that may not seem like a long time, she's doing SOOOO much more now so I've come up with this list of things you might be interested in knowing about our little Buggy-boo. By the way, these pictures of her were from today! They were taken when we got home from church. :) I love that she's finally growing some hair and growing into her "big ol" bows.

Words she *can* (but doesn't always) say:

  1. · Momma
  2. · Daddy
  3. · Hey
  4. · Oh
  5. · Bow (hairbow)
  6. · Ball
  7. · Up
  8. · Mine
  9. · No
  10. · “dank” for thanks
  11. · Bubble
  12. · Balloon
  13. · Bye
  14. · Stop
  15. · Out
  16. · Huh for “un huh”
  17. · Muno (Yo Gabba Gabba)
  18. · Boots (for Dora)
  19. · Green
  20. · Here you go (all one word)
  21. · Gee (get it).
  22. · Cheese (having pictures taken)

Things she knows and will look for but doesn’t say:

  • · Bat
  • · Baby (baby doll)
  • · Cup
  • · Pinky (blanket)
  • · Book
  • · shoes

Other Random Facts:

  • She has 10 teeth
  • She knows where her toes are (but no other body parts)
  • Can pick out the color green *most* of the time.
  • Reads books to herself.
  • Can point to specific characters in a book when asked.
  • When you ask her if she wants to go bye-bye, she will go stand at the door and beat on it until you open the door.
  • Once she’s in the garage, you tell her to go to her seat and she usually does.
  • She still speaks a ton of jibberish.
  • Gets two sippy cups of milk (9 ounces, each), two of juice, water the rest of the day.
  • Usually has to be tricked into eating any kind of meat but will eat any kind of veggie or fruit. Also loves cheese, bread, and pasta.
  • Takes two naps a day. Morning nap usually about two hours. Afternoon nap varies anywhere from 45 minutes to two hours.
  • Can give a “five.” She also can give kisses.
  • Shows NO discomfort at being wet or poopy. Shows no interest in her potty.
  • Can help clean up by putting things back where they belong.
  • Likes to brush her own hair and her own teeth (after we have).
  • Can drink out of a straw but cannot drink out of a water bottle/cup.
  • Can pull blocks apart and put them back together (big legos).
  • Will take anything that resembles a phone, hold it up to her ear and start talking, always beginning by saying “hey.”
  • Eats off a plate without touching the plate.
  • Tries to use a fork and spoon but usually isn’t completely successful.
  • Is not trying to climb out of her crib.
  • Does not try to climb up on couch yet. Simple says “up” to indicate she wants up.
  • Can climb properly off couch or chair.
  • Knows which room is hers. She also knows where the bath tub is.
  • Gives hugs and kisses to her baby dolls. Places them in their stroller and pushes them around the house. Tries to feed them with her sippy cup.
  • Is about to begin swim lessons.
  • Dances like crazy any time she hears music.
  • Often “sings” along to songs by humming. Sometimes sings without any music.
  • Is still completely and totally obsessed with Yo Gabba Gabba.
  • LOVES blowing and popping bubbles. We blow bubbles every single day.
  • Loves playing with her babies. She particularly likes to stuff all of them into one stroller and then push it while running all through the house.
  • Is obsessed with her crocs and really just shoes in general. She carries them all over the house.